Somalia is on its knees. And children are at the heart of the crisis.

Millions of people in Somalia are facing extreme levels of hunger and malnutrition. A once-in-a-generation drought, skyrocketing food prices, and the impact of Covid-19 have pushed families to the limit. They don’t have enough food to survive.

The little food that can grow during the drought is extremely expensive. Most families have no way of making an income while there are no crops to harvest or livestock to rear. Millions of parents have no way to feed their families.

As a result, half of Somalia’s children are facing life-threatening hunger.

The number of children being brought to our urgent treatment centres has tripled in a year. Our centres are overwhelmed and we don’t have enough resources to treat everyone.

We know that over the next few month, thousands of children across Somalia – and around the world – will face life-threatening hunger. If we don’t act now, more children will die. 

The crisis in numbers

  • 55%

    Over half of children under five in Somalia are facing malnutrition.

  • 6.7m

    6.7 million people in Somalia are battling food shortages between October and December this year.

  • 1 min

    Every minute, a child is admitted for medical treatment in Somalia.

Why your gift matters

We’re working across Somalia and around the world to fight hunger and malnutrition.

We know that hunger is preventable and treatable. And that treatment is cheap. But right now, we can’t keep up the accelerating rates of hunger.

Your donation could save a child from severe acute malnutrition. If we act quickly, we can save thousands of people facing famine. But we need your help.

You could help Action Against Hunger to:

  • provide urgent treatment to help children recover from malnurition at our treatment centres
  • supply children with a course of nutrient-rich therapeutic food and milk
  • support health workers to carry out home checks to ensure children continue on their road to health
  • teach parents how to spot early signs of malnutrition so they know when to get help
  • run mobile health and nutrition programmes to support families in hard-to-reach parts of countries like Somalia
  • provide cash transfers so families can buy any essentials they need
  • work with communities to help them grow drought-resistant crops
  • supply clean water so families have enough to drink and farmers can feed their livestock
  • create early warning systems to better predict the areas facing the highest rates of malnutrition – so we know where to go before the situation gets too bad
  • support farmers to increase their crop production and protect livestock with vaccinations
  • give urgent medical treatment to those who are suffering from complications caused by chronic hunger, such as weakness, dehydration and low blood pressure

Your donation will be used wherever the need is greatest.

Darmi Doyo, 50, with her starving cattle in Gomulle, Ethiopia.

All you need to know about the East Africa hunger crisis

Prolonged droughts and skyrocketing food prices are causing a hunger crisis.

Read more

More about Action Against Hunger

About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We’re building a world where no one dies from hunger and malnutrition.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.