Around the world, 2.3 million children under the age of five die every year because they don’t have the food they need to keep them healthy.

In just six weeks, Action Against Hunger is able to get a malnourished child back on the path to recovery. We also provide families with advice on nutrition and good hygiene practices.

You can help us reach more malnourished children like David from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Why your support matters

We won’t give up until the world is free from hunger, but many more children need our help.

With your support, we can:

  • ensure access to healthy, nutritious food
  • provide clean water, good hygiene and health services
  • train more community health workers to treat malnourished children
  • inform more families about how to stay healthy and prevent more children from dying

Life-saving treatments are cheaply available and extremely effective. You can help us scale up our work to reach more children in need.

Malnutrition has devastating effects on children

  • 75%

    Three-quarters of malnourished children under five don't get the treatment they need.

  • 10,000

    10,000 more children under five could die of malnutrition every month as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • 2.3M

    More than 2 million children die from malnutrition every year.

Georgine with her 27-month-old son, David who was treated at an Action Against Hunger-supported health centre for severe acute malnutrition in Democratic Republic of Congo.

Between conflict and malnutrition

In Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo, clashes between different communities has destroyed homes and livelihoods – causing widespread hunger.

Read more
A picture of a smiling girl called Olivine. She's been supported by Action Against Hunger's projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Save a life in just six weeks

It takes an average of just six weeks to save a child’s life in our malnutrition treatment programmes. Please help us reach thousands of children suffering from deadly malnutrition to make sure they have a future.

Donate now

About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We save the lives of malnourished children and support their families to beat hunger.

Where your money goes

Muk collects a bag of rice at an Action Against Hunger distribution centre in Bangladesh.

Discover how your donation helps us support 28 million people in 55 countries.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.