A woman affected by the floods in South Sudan.

Unyielding floods: restoring hope

Missed our London Oxo Gallery exhibition? Don't worry, check out our virtual exhibition where you can experience the stunning photography from South Sudan by award-winning photographer Peter Caton, from the comfort of your own home.

The incredible photos highlight the devastation caused by years of extreme flooding in South Sudan and how, with Action Against Hunger’s help, local communities are adapting in the face of the climate crisis.

If you missed the chance to visit our photo exhibition at London’s Oxo Gallery, don’t worry!

You can go jump into our virtual tour, simply by clicking below.

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A woman and her child in floodwater in South Sudan.

Silent auction

Fancy owning one of Peter Caton’s stunning photos from South Sudan? Enter our silent auction now for your chance to purchase one of the images from the exhibition.

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Sign the petition

One of the biggest drivers of hunger is extreme weather. People in East Africa who are already struggling to get the food they need are facing complete devastation when hit by a drought, flood, or heatwave. Sign our petition to send a clear message to the Prime Minister: stop famine in East Africa.

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About the project

For four years in a row, floods in South Sudan have swept away entire villages, destroyed crops, drowned livestock and forced people to flee their homes – leaving families hungry and unable to support themselves.

The UN has warned that up to 7.8 million people in South Sudan – two-thirds of the population – could face severe food shortages this year.

Peter Caton and journalist Susan Martinez, ­started documenting the devastating floods in 2020. They visited the remote and badly hit villages of Paguir and Old Fangak, and captured the stories of the villagers as they cleared water from their homes – desperately searching for something to eat. They returned in 2021 and 2022 to find the villagers’ resilience hadn’t waned. They were determined to rebuild community life.

Women working in a rice field in South Sudan.

Women work in a rice field in South Sudan. Action Against Hunger helped the community to create rice farms after their crops were destroyed by flooding. Photo credit: Peter Caton.

How Action Against Hunger is helping

Before the floods, most communities across South Sudan survived on maize-based foods. They farmed it, sold it, and ate it. So when farms were suddenly submerged, families lost everything.

The solution? Rice.

Our teams provided rice seeds and showed farmers how to plant them in the floodwaters. For many, this was the first time seeing and growing rice plants.

This also helped promote gender equality in the community, as now for the first time dozens of women own and cultivate their own farms.

“Now we know how to grow rice, the community respects us women more.”

Nyadim, a trainee

More than that, we also employed farmers who’d lost their crops in the floods to create waterways – paths through the vegetation brought in by the floods – so they would have a regular monthly wage again. Bigger and faster boats can now reach the isolated villages and bring in food, medicine and trade.

A picture of a girl in an internally displaced people's camp in Somalia.

Play The Hunger Game

You’ll walk in the footsteps of a 12-year-old girl called Nanou. Living in Madagascar with her mum and younger siblings, life is a series of tough decisions. Can you help her make the right choices and experience what life is really like when food is scarce and money is tight?

Play now

This exhibition was made possible by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.