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New UK International Development White Paper marks a turning point in fighting hunger

Today, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) publishes the first UK White Paper on international development since 2009. According to Action Against Hunger UK's Head of Advocacy, Kate Munro, it comes at a critical time.

“We welcome the launch of the UK’s new White Paper which is wide-ranging and comprehensive, addressing climate change, conflict and humanitarian response, economic development, and gender inequality. It is particularly welcome to see how much the UK is committed to responding to the impacts of these stresses on women and girls, and ensuring women are involved in political decision making.

“At Action Against Hunger, we are acutely aware from our operations of the rise in conflict-induced hunger. Over 85 per cent of people facing crisis or worse levels of hunger live in conflict-affected countries. The new White Paper highlights that conflicts are becoming longer, more complex, and are driving mass displacement of people and severe hunger and malnutrition. It is pleasing to see commitment from the UK on funds reaching people in the most severe need, in addition to using the country’s diplomatic influence to improve humanitarian access.

“We need to see these commitments urgently translated into tangible action. Where in the past the UK was a powerful advocate for humanitarian law at the UN and in conflict-affected countries, it has now become far less visible. The FCDO must urgently resource these commitments, so that the UK uses its influential role as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to drive accountability for breaches of humanitarian law, and remove barriers to vitally needed humanitarian support. This is more visible than ever in Gaza right now.” 

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