Hakkasan x Benares: Two Michelin Stars Align For Charity

World hunger is on the rise. Shockingly, more than 810 million people still go to bed hungry every night.

Food supply disruptions caused by conflict in places like Ukraine and Yemen are increasing prices, and frequent extreme weather like droughts and typhoons are making it harder for farmers to grow crops. With the economic impact of Covid-19 still ongoing, the risk has never been greater.

At Action Against Hunger, we are leading the fight to stop life-threatening hunger in its tracks. By training parents and healthcare workers to spot the signs, we get life-saving care to people who need it. Our research drives forward understanding of how to predict, prevent and treat life-threatening hunger. With unbeatable knowledge and unstoppable determination, we supported more than 26 million people across 51 countries in 2021.

Thank you for joining us to turn the tide on this global hunger crisis.


Malnutrition has devastating effects on children

  • 75%

    Three-quarters of malnourished children under five don't get the treatment they need.

  • 1 in 9

    Globally 1 in 9 people around the world are undernourished or going hungry.

  • 2.3M

    More than 2 million children die from malnutrition every year.

More about Action Against Hunger

About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We save the lives of malnourished children and support their families to beat hunger.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.