Children protesting in Peru

Take action

Make your voice heard. Call on the government to step up to the plate and put solutions in place that we know can save lives. Together, we can end world hunger.

Be part of a movement to end hunger for good.

Actions like signing a petition or writing to your MP might seem small. But they’re essential to show our elected officials what matters to you. With every action you take, you’re building the momentum needed to create change.

Campaigning is a key part of our work in the UK. We launch petitions and letter-writing campaigns, hold in-person demonstrations in and around Westminster, and organise meetings between our supporters and members of parliament.

And behind the scenes, our advocacy team is making sure your voice is heard.

Campaign with us and make a life-saving difference.

Call for actionCeasefire petition

More humanitarian aid needs to enter Gaza now to save lives. Your support matters more than ever.

Add your name

How we're making a difference


South Sudanese refugees supported by an Action Against Hunger member of staff.

Armed conflict is the biggest single cause of hunger in the world today. In the worst-case scenarios, people can starve. Our teams and partners work in the world's most dangerous places to reach people in need.

Climate crisis

Gai tries to spear fish after his village in South Sudan is flooded.

Rising temperatures and extreme weather are having a huge impact on people who already live in some of the toughest places on earth. We're helping communities prepare for crises and build resilience – and we're ready to step in with emergency help when needed.


An Action Against Hunger staff member screens a child for malnutrition in Mali.

A well-nourished, healthy, thriving person is good for their family, their community and their whole economy. We prevent, detect and treat malnutrition. We test innovative approaches so that everyone affected by hunger can receive the care they need.

Make yourself heard

Got a great idea for a campaign? Want to know more about our work? We'd love to hear from you – get in touch with our friendly team.

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